About us
Bina Kasih Orphanage
Galatians 6:10
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men
Who are these special kids?
Located just off the coast of Northern Sumatera in Indonesia is a small island called Nias. Ibu Mastina (the caretaker of the orphanage) noticed so many of the children in her village were not able to go to school. Knowing that she could do something, she sold 5 cows and half of her families coconut farm to bring 20 kids ranging 6-16 years old to Medan Indonesia. She rented a small home and struggled to support the children off of the proceeds of her remaining half of the coconut farm. 50% of all proceeds from every photography session will go to help support these kids and children just like them have easier access to education.
Every little bit counts
As little as $15 a month can help support a child through primary and secondary education